Daniel Mugo Mathenge, Dr. Samson Nyang’au


Small enterprises play a critical role in the development of an economy of any country, this is because the majority of the established business fall under this sector. They are the major source of employment and government revenue. Entrepreneurs need to be more competent and skillful in order to be able to compete and have a long-life span for their business. This study therefore examined entrepreneurship skills and the performance of small cyber café enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine how communication skills, affect the performance of Small Cyber Café Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya and to find out how teamwork skills influence the performance of Small Cyber Café Enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from 353-cybercafé within Nairobi County; questionnaires were administered to the target population in order to collect the data needed to facilitate reliable formulation of research conclusion and findings. The study collected primary data using semi-structured questionnaires. Collected data was analysed using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. SPSS (version 22) was applied in analysing quantitative data where descriptive statistics were computed and presentations done in percentages, means, SD and frequencies. Inferential data analysis was conducted by use of Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The study results were presented through use of tables and figures. The study found that communication skills have a positive relationship on performance of small enterprises cybercafé in Nairobi City County, Kenya. In addition, teamwork skills have positive, significant relationship with performance of small enterprises cybercafé in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study therefore recommends management of small enterprises to improve on their entrepreneurial skills by embracing entrepreneurial skills and also ensure they have effective and efficient strategic options. This can be achieved by enrolling in short entrepreneurial courses that will help them to enhance their skills.

Key Words: Entrepreneurship Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork Skills, Performance of Small Cyber Café Enterprises

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